


题目Learning deep event models for crowd anomaly detection





Abnormal event detection in video surveillance is extremely important, especially for crowded scenes. In recent years, many algorithms have been proposed based on hand-crafted features. However, it still remains challenging to decide which kind of feature is suitable for a specific situation. In addition, it is hard and time-consuming to design an effective descriptor. In this paper, video events are automatically represented and modeled in unsupervised fashions. Specifically, appearance and motion features are simultaneously extracted using a PCANet from 3D gradients. In order to model event patterns, a deep Gaussian mixture model (GMM) is constructed with observed normal events. The deep GMM is a scalable deep generative model which stacks multiple GMM-layers on top of each other. As a result, the proposed method acquires competitive performance with relatively few parameters. In the testing phase, the likelihood is calculated to judge whether a video event is abnormal or not. In this paper, the proposed method is verified on two publicly available datasets and compared with state-of-the-art algorithms. Experimental results show that the deep model is effective for abnormal event detection in video surveillance.


关键词:Deep neural network、PCANet、Deep GMM、Crowded scene、Abnormal event detection、Video surveillance


题目ResnetCrowd: A residual deep learning architecture for crowd counting, violent behaviour detection and crowd density level classification

作者Mark Marsden; Kevin McGuinness; Suzanne Little; Noel E. O'Connor




In this paper we propose ResnetCrowd, a deep residual architecture for simultaneous crowd counting, violent behaviour detection and crowd density level classification. To train and evaluate the proposed multi-objective technique, a new 100 image dataset referred to as Multi Task Crowd is constructed. This new dataset is the first computer vision dataset fully annotated for crowd counting, violent behaviour detection and density level classification. Our experiments show that a multi-task approach boosts individual task performance for all tasks and most notably for violent behaviour detection which receives a 9% boost in ROC curve AUC (Area under the curve). The trained ResnetCrowd model is also evaluated on several additional benchmarks highlighting the superior generalisation of crowd analysis models trained for multiple objectives.

在本文中,我们提出了ResnetCrowd,这是一种用于同时进行人群计数,暴力行为检测和人群密度等级分类的深层残差架构。 为了训练和评估所提出的多目标技术,构建了一个新的100个图像数据集,称为多任务人群。 这个新数据集是第一个完全注释的计算机视觉数据集,用于人群计数,暴力行为检测和密度等级分类。 我们的实验表明,多任务方法可以提高所有任务的单个任务性能,尤其是对于暴力行为检测,可以将ROC曲线AUC(曲线下的面积)提高9%。 训练有素的ResnetCrowd模型也将在其他几个基准上进行评估,以突出说明针对多个目标训练的人群分析模型的卓越综合性。


Heating systems,Urban areas,Image recognition,Estimation,Neural networks,Computer architecture


题目An efficient system for anomaly detection using deep learning classifier

作者:A.R.Revathi&Dhananjay Kumar




In this paper, a deep learning-based anomaly detection (DLAD) system is proposed to improve the recognition problem in video processing. Our system achieves complete detection of abnormal events by involving the following significant proposed modules a Background Estimation (BE) Module, an Object Segmentation (OS) Module, a Feature Extraction (FE) Module, and an Activity Recognition (AR) Module. At first, we have presented a BE (Background Estimation) module that generated an accurate background in which two-phase model is generated to compute the background estimation. After a high-quality background is generated, the OS model is developed to extract the object from videos, and then, object tracking process is used to track the object through the overlapping detection scheme. From the tracked objects, the FE module is extracted for some useful features such as shape, wavelet, and histogram to the abnormal event detection. For the final step, the proposed AR module is classified as abnormal or normal event using the deep learning classifier. Experiments are performed on the USCD benchmark dataset of abnormal activities, and comparisons with the state-of-the-art methods validate the advantages of our algorithm. We can see that the proposed activity recognition system has outperformed by achieving better EER of 0.75 % when compared with the existing systems (20 %). Also, it shows that the proposed method achieves 85 % precision rate in the frame-level performance.



Abnormal detection、EER、Deep learning、Background model、Video surveillance


题目Crowd Monitoring and Classification: A Survey

作者:Neeta Nain,Sonu Lamba




Crowd monitoring on public places is very demanding endeavor to accomplish. Huge population and assortment of human actions enforces the crowded scenes to be more continual. Enormous challenges occur into crowd management including proper crowd analysis, identification, monitoring and anomalous activity detection. Due to severe clutter and occlusions, conventional methods for dealing with crowd are not very effective. This paper highlights the various issues involved in analyzing crowd behavior and its dynamics along with classification of crowd analysis techniques. This review summarizes the shortcomings, strength and applicability of existing methods in different environmental scenarios. Furthermore, it overlays the path to device a proficient method of crowd monitoring and classification which can deal with most of the challenges related to this area.

在公共场所对人群进行监控是非常艰巨的工作。 庞大的人口和各种各样的人类行为迫使拥挤的场面变得更加连续。 人群管理中出现了巨大的挑战,包括适当的人群分析,识别,监视和异常活动检测。 由于严重的混乱和阻塞,传统的人群处理方法不是很有效。 本文重点介绍了分析人群行为及其动态的各种问题,以及人群分析技术的分类。 这篇综述总结了现有方法在不同环境下的缺点,优势和适用性。 此外,它覆盖了通向设备的一种有效的人群监视和分类方法,该方法可以应对与该领域有关的大多数挑战。


Crowd monitoring、Behaviour analysis、Crowd classification


题目Intelligence Surveillance And Reconnaissance Full Motion Video Automatic Anomaly Detection Of Crowd Movements: System Requirements For Airborne Application

作者Yarovinskiy, Aleksandr




The collection of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance ISR Full Motion Video FMV is growing at an exponential rate, and the manual processing of it cannot keep up with its growth. The purpose of this study is to develop automatic solutions to help analysts produce actionable intelligence for the warfighter. This paper will address the question of how can automatic pattern extraction, based on computer vision, extract anomalies in crowd behavior in ISR imagery. This paper will overview recent advances in automatic crowd anomaly detection techniques and the current technology necessary to implement them in the field. Assumptions are made for linear and ideal scaling of crowd anomaly detection techniques, using current technology, for field applications. The end product is a proposed pod system for airborne applications capable of processing an area the size of a small city for all crowd anomalies, and transmission of results to a ground node. Further study is required to optimize the proposed system for efficiency of scale.



artificial neural networks、computers、image processing、central processing units、computer programming、computer programs、graphics processing unit、aircrafts、anomaly detection、artificial intelligence、change detection、computer vision、detection、improvised explosive devices、air force、area coverage、computing system architectures、detectors、algorithms、computer architecture


题目Spatio-Temporal AutoEncoder for Video Anomaly Detection

作者:Yiru Zhao, Bing Deng, Chen Shen, Yao Liu, Hongtao Lu, Xian-Sheng Hua




Anomalous events detection in real-world video scenes is a challenging problem due to the complexity of "anomaly" as well as the cluttered backgrounds, objects and motions in the scenes. Most existing methods use hand-crafted features in local spatial regions to identify anomalies. In this paper, we propose a novel model called Spatio-Temporal AutoEncoder (ST AutoEncoder or STAE), which utilizes deep neural networks to learn video representation automatically and extracts features from both spatial and temporal dimensions by performing 3-dimensional convolutions. In addition to the reconstruction loss used in existing typical autoencoders, we introduce a weight-decreasing prediction loss for generating future frames, which enhances the motion feature learning in videos. Since most anomaly detection datasets are restricted to appearance anomalies or unnatural motion anomalies, we collected a new challenging dataset comprising a set of real-world traffic surveillance videos. Several experiments are performed on both the public benchmarks and our traffic dataset, which show that our proposed method remarkably outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches.

由于“异常”的复杂性以及场景中背景,对象和动作的混乱,现实世界中视频场景中异常事件的检测是一个具有挑战性的问题。大多数现有方法在局部空间区域中使用手工制作的特征来识别异常。在本文中,我们提出了一种称为时空自动编码器(ST AutoEncoder或STAE)的新型模型,该模型利用深度神经网络自动学习视频表示,并通过执行3维卷积从时空维度提取特征。除了在现有的典型自动编码器中使用的重建损失之外,我们还引入了用于减少将来帧生成的权重减小的预测损失,从而增强了视频中的运动特征学习能力。由于大多数异常检测数据集仅限于外观异常或非自然运动异常,因此我们收集了一个新的具有挑战性的数据集,其中包含一组现实世界的交通监控视频。在公共基准和流量数据集上进行了几次实验,结果表明,我们提出的方法明显优于最新方法。


题目Deep-Cascade: Cascading 3D Deep Neural Networks for Fast Anomaly Detection and Localization in Crowded Scenes

作者Mohammad Sabokrou; Mohsen Fayyaz; Mahmood Fathy; Reinhard Klette




This paper proposes a fast and reliable method for anomaly detection and localization in video data showing crowded scenes. Time-efficient anomaly localization is an ongoing challenge and subject of this paper. We propose a cubic-patch-based method, characterised by a cascade of classifiers, which makes use of an advanced feature-learning approach. Our cascade of classifiers has two main stages. First, a light but deep 3D auto-encoder is used for early identification of “many” normal cubic patches. This deep network operates on small cubic patches as being the first stage, before carefully resizing the remaining candidates of interest, and evaluating those at the second stage using a more complex and deeper 3D convolutional neural network (CNN). We divide the deep auto-encoder and the CNN into multiple sub-stages, which operate as cascaded classifiers. Shallow layers of the cascaded deep networks (designed as Gaussian classifiers, acting as weak single-class classifiers) detect “simple” normal patches, such as background patches and more complex normal patches, are detected at deeper layers. It is shown that the proposed novel technique (a cascade of two cascaded classifiers) performs comparable to current top-performing detection and localization methods on standard benchmarks, but outperforms those in general with respect to required computation time.



Feature extraction,Hidden Markov models,Neural networks,Training,Context,Complexity theory,Detectors


题目Detection of Video Anomalies Using Convolutional Autoencoders and One-Class Support Vector Machines

作者:Matheus Gutoski, Nelson Marcelo Romero Aquino,Manass´es Ribeiro , Andr´e Engˆenio Lazzaretti, Heitor Silv´erio Lopes




With the growth of image data being generated by surveillance cameras, automated video analysis has become necessary in order to detect unusual events. Recently, Deep Learning methods have achieved the state of the art results in many tasks related to computer vision. Among Deep Learning methods, the Autoencoder is commonly used for anomaly detection tasks. This work presents a method to classify frames of four different well known video datasets as normal or anomalous by using reconstruction errors as features for a classifier. To perform this task, Convolutional Autoencoders and One-Class SVMs were employed. Results suggest that the method is capable of detecting anomalies across the four different benchmark datasets. We also present a comparison with the state of the art approaches and data visualization.

随着监视摄像机生成的图像数据的增长,为了检测异常事件,自动视频分析变得很有必要。 最近,深度学习方法在许多与计算机视觉有关的任务中取得了最先进的成果。 在深度学习方法中,自动编码器通常用于异常检测任务。 这项工作提出了一种方法,通过使用重建误差作为分类器的特征,将四个不同的知名视频数据集的帧分类为正常或异常。 为了执行此任务,使用了卷积自动编码器和一类SVM。 结果表明,该方法能够检测四个不同基准数据集的异常。 我们还介绍了与最先进的方法和数据可视化的比较。


题目Abnormal crowd behavior detection using novel optical flow-based features

作者Cem Direkoglu; Melike Sah; Noel E. O'Connor




In this paper, we propose a novel optical flow based features for abnormal crowd behaviour detection. The proposed feature is mainly based on the angle difference computed between the optical flow vectors in the current frame and in the previous frame at each pixel location. The angle difference information is also combined with the optical flow magnitude to produce new, effective and direction invariant event features. A one-class SVM is utilized to learn normal crowd behavior. If a test sample deviates significantly from the normal behavior, it is detected as abnormal crowd behavior. Although there are many optical flow based features for crowd behaviour analysis, this is the first time the angle difference between optical flow vectors in the current frame and in the previous frame is considered as a anomaly feature. Evaluations on UMN and PETS2009 datasets show that the proposed method performs competitive results compared to the state-of-the-art methods.



Feature extraction,Support vector machines,Videos,Noise measurement,Surveillance,Force


题目Convolutional DLSTM for Crowd Scene Understanding

作者Naifan Zhuang; Jun Ye; Kien A. Hua




With the growth of crowd phenomena in the real world, crowd scene understanding is becoming an important task in anomaly detection and public security. Visual ambiguities and occlusions, high density, low mobility and scene semantics, however, make this problem a great challenge. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end deep architecture, Convolutional DLSTM (ConvDLSTM), for crowd scene understanding. ConvDLSTM consists of GoogleNet Inception V3 convolutional neural networks (CNN) and stacked differential long short-term memory (DLSTM) networks. Different from traditional non-end-to-end solutions which separate the steps of feature extraction and parameter learning, ConvDLSTM utilizes a unified deep model to optimize the parameters of CNN and RNN hand in hand. It thus has the potential of generating a more harmonious model. The proposed architecture takes sequential raw image data as input, and does not rely on tracklet or trajectory detection. It thus has clear advantages over the traditional flow-based and trajectory-based methods, especially in challenging crowd scenarios of high density and low mobility. Taking advantage of the semantic representation of CNN and the memory states of LSTM, ConvDLSTM can effectively analyze both the crowd scene and motion information. Existing LSTM-based crowd scene solutions explore deep temporal information and are claimed to be "deep in time". ConvDLSTM, however, models the spatial and temporal information in a unified architecture and achieves "deep in space and time". Extensive performance studies on the Violent-Flows and CUHK Crowd datasets show that the proposed technique significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods.

随着现实世界中人群现象的增长,对人群场景的了解已成为异常检测和公共安全中的重要任务。视觉上的歧义和遮挡,高密度,低移动性和场景语义使这个问题成为一个巨大的挑战。在本文中,我们提出了一种端到端的深度架构卷积DLSTM(ConvDLSTM),用于了解人群场景。 ConvDLSTM由GoogleNet Inception V3卷积神经网络(CNN)和堆叠式差分长期短期记忆(DLSTM)网络组成。与传统的将特征提取和参数学习步骤分开的非端到端解决方案不同,ConvDLSTM利用统一的深度模型来优化CNN和RNN的参数。因此,它具有生成更和谐模型的潜力。所提出的体系结构将顺序的原始图像数据作为输入,并且不依赖于小波或轨迹检测。因此,与传统的基于流和基于轨迹的方法相比,它具有明显的优势,尤其是在高密度和低移动性的挑战性人群场景中。利用CNN的语义表示和LSTM的存储状态,ConvDLSTM可以有效地分析人群场景和运动信息。现有的基于LSTM的人群场景解决方案可探索深层的时间信息,并被称为“深层时间”。但是,ConvDLSTM在统一的体系结构中对空间和时间信息进行建模,并实现了“深度的空间和时间”。对暴力流和中大人群数据集的大量性能研究表明,所提出的技术明显优于最新方法。


Tracking,Feature extraction,Trajectory,Computer architecture,Semantics,Image analysis


题目Anomaly Detection using a Convolutional Winner-Take-All Autoencoder

作者:Tran, HTM、Hogg, D




We propose a method for video anomaly detection using a winner-take-all convolutional autoencoder that has recently been shown to give competitive results in learning for classification task. The method builds on state of the art approaches to anomaly detection using a convolutional autoencoder and a one-class SVM to build a model of normality. The key novelties are (1) using the motion-feature encoding extracted from a convolutional autoencoder as input to a one-class SVM rather than exploiting reconstruction error of the convolutional autoencoder, and (2) introducing a spatial winner-take-all step after the final encoding layer during training to introduce a high degree of sparsity. We demonstrate an improvement in performance over the state of the art on UCSD and Avenue (CUHK) datasets.

我们提出了一种使用获胜者通吃(winner-take-all)卷积自动编码器进行视频异常检测的方法,该方法最近被证明可以在学习分类任务时提供有竞争力的结果。 该方法建立在使用卷积自动编码器和一类SVM来建立正常性模型的最新异常检测方法的基础上。 关键的新颖性是(1)使用从卷积自动编码器提取的运动特征编码作为一类SVM的输入,而不是利用卷积自动编码器的重构误差,以及(2)在引入空间赢家通吃步骤之后 训练过程中的最终编码层引入了高度的稀疏性。 我们在UCSD和Avenue(CUHK)数据集上展示了超过现有技术的性能改进。


题目Adversarial autoencoders for anomalous event detection in images

作者Dimokranitou, Asimenia




Detection of anomalous events in image sequences is a problem in computer vision with various applications, such as public security, health monitoring and intrusion detection. Despite the various applications, anomaly detection remains an ill-defined problem. Several definitions exist, the most commonly used defines an anomaly as a low probability event. Anomaly detection is a challenging problem mainly because of the lack of abnormal observations in the data. Thus, usually it is considered an unsupervised learning problem. Our approach is based on autoencoders in combination with Generative Adversarial Networks. The method is called Adversarial Autoencoders [1], and it is a probabilistic autoencoder, that attempts to match the aggregated posterior of the hidden code vector of the autoencoder, with an arbitrary prior distribution. The adversarial error of the learned autoencoder is low for regular events and high for irregular events. We compare our approach with state of the art methods and describe our results with respect to accuracy and efficiency.

对抗式自动编码器,用于图像中的异常事件检测 图像序列中异常事件的检测是计算机视觉在各种应用(例如公共安全,健康监控和入侵检测)中的问题。尽管有各种各样的应用,但是异常检测仍然是一个不确定的问题。存在几种定义,最常用的定义是将异常定义为低概率事件。异常检测是一个具有挑战性的问题,主要是因为数据中缺少异常观察。因此,通常认为它是无监督的学习问题。我们的方法基于结合了对抗性网络的自动编码器。该方法称为对抗自动编码器[1],它是一种概率自动编码器,它尝试将自动编码器的隐藏代码矢量的聚合后验与任意先验分布进行匹配。对于常规事件,学习到的自动编码器的对抗性误差较低,而对于不规则事件,则具有较高的对抗性误差。我们将我们的方法与最先进的方法进行比较,并就准确性和效率描述我们的结果。


题目Crowd-11: A Dataset for Fine Grained Crowd Behaviour Analysis

作者:Camille Dupont, Luis Tobias, Bertrand Luvison




Crowd behaviour analysis is a challenging task in computer vision, mainly due to the high complexity of the interactions between groups and individuals. This task is particularly crucial given the magnitude of manual monitoring required for effective crowd management. Within this context, a key challenge is to conceive a highly generic, fine and context-independent characterisation of crowd behaviours. Since current datasets answer only partially to this problem, a new dataset is generated, with a total of 11 crowd motion patterns and over 6000 video clips with an average length of 100 frames per sequence. We establish the first baseline of crowd characterisation with an extensive evaluation on shallow and deep methods. This characterisation is expected to be useful in multiple crowd analysis circumstances, we present a new deep architecture for crowd characterisation and demonstrate its application in the context of anomaly classification.



题目Detecting anomalous events in videos by learning deep representations of appearance and motion





Anomalous event detection is of utmost importance in intelligent video surveillance. Currently, most approaches for the automatic analysis of complex video scenes typically rely on hand-crafted appearance and motion features. However, adopting user defined representations is clearly suboptimal, as it is desirable to learn descriptors specific to the scene of interest. To cope with this need, in this paper we propose Appearance and Motion DeepNet (AMDN), a novel approach based on deep neural networks to automatically learn feature representations. To exploit the complementary information of both appearance and motion patterns, we introduce a novel double fusion framework, combining the benefits of traditional early fusion and late fusion strategies. Specifically, stacked denoising autoencoders are proposed to separately learn both appearance and motion features as well as a joint representation (early fusion). Then, based on the learned features, multiple one-class SVM models are used to predict the anomaly scores of each input. Finally, a novel late fusion strategy is proposed to combine the computed scores and detect abnormal events. The proposed ADMN is extensively evaluated on publicly available video surveillance datasets including UCSD pedestian, Subway, and Train, showing competitive performance with respect to state of the art approaches.



Video surveillance、Abnormal event detection、Unsupervised learning、Stacked denoising auto-encoders、Feature fusion


题目Abnormal Event Detection in Videos Using Spatiotemporal Autoencoder

作者:Yong Shean Chong、Yong Haur Tay




We present an efficient method for detecting anomalies in videos. Recent applications of convolutional neural networks have shown promises of convolutional layers for object detection and recognition, especially in images. However, convolutional neural networks are supervised and require labels as learning signals. We propose a spatiotemporal architecture for anomaly detection in videos including crowded scenes. Our architecture includes two main components, one for spatial feature representation, and one for learning the temporal evolution of the spatial features. Experimental results on Avenue, Subway and UCSD benchmarks confirm that the detection accuracy of our method is comparable to state-of-the-art methods at a considerable speed of up to 140 fps.

我们提出了一种检测视频异常的有效方法。 卷积神经网络的最新应用显示了卷积层用于物体检测和识别的前景,特别是在图像中。 但是,卷积神经网络受到监督,并且需要标签作为学习信号。 我们提出了一种时空架构,用于在拥挤的场景中进行视频异常检测。 我们的体系结构包括两个主要组件,一个用于空间特征表示,一个用于学习空间特征的时间演变。 在Avenue,Subway和UCSD基准测试中的实验结果证实,在高达140 fps的可观速度下,我们的方法的检测精度可与最新方法媲美。


Anomaly detection、Feature learning、Regularity、Autoencoder


题目Real-time detection algorithm of abnormal behavior in crowds based on Gaussian mixture model

作者Zhaohui Luo; Weisheng He; Minghui Liwang; Lianfen Huang; Yifeng Zhao; Jun Geng




Recently, abnormal evens detection in crowds has received considerable attention in the field of public safety. Most existing studies do not account for the processing time and the continuity of abnormal behavior characteristics. In this paper, we present a new motion feature descriptor, called the sensitive movement point (SMP). Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) is used for modeling the abnormal crowd behavior with full consideration of the characteristics of crowd abnormal behavior. First, we analyze the video with GMM, to extract sensitive movement point in certain speed by setting update threshold value of GMM. Then, analyze the sensitive movement point of video frame with temporal and spatial modeling. Identify abnormal behavior through the analysis of mutation duration occurs in temporal and spatial model, and the density, distribution and mutative acceleration of sensitive movement point in blocks. The algorithm can be implemented with automatic adapt to environmental change and online learning, without tracking individuals of crowd and large scale training in detection process. Experiments involving the UMN datasets and the videos taken by us show that the proposed algorithm can real-time effectively identify various types of anomalies and that the recognition results and processing time are better than existing algorithms.



Feature extraction,Analytical models,Real-time systems,Switched mode power supplies,Gaussian mixture mode,Adaptation models


题目Abnormal Event Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks and 1-Class SVM classifier

作者S. Bouindour ; M.M. Hittawe ; S. Mahfouz ; H. Snoussi




In this paper, we present a method based on deep learning for detection and localization of spatial and temporal abnormal events in surveillance videos using training samples containing only normal events. This work is divided into two stages, the first one is feature extraction for each patch of the input image using the first two convolution layers extracted from a pretrained CNN. In second stage, one-class SVM is trained with resultant features. The SVM classifier allows a fast and robust abnormal detection with respect to the presence of outliers in the training dataset. Experimental tests have conducted on UCSD Ped2 dataset, this dataset is considered as complex due to low resolution and presence of many occlusions. Our results showed high performance and were compared with state-of-the art methods.

在本文中,我们提出了一种基于深度学习的方法,该方法使用仅包含正常事件的训练样本来检测和定位监视视频中的时空异常事件。 这项工作分为两个阶段,第一个阶段是使用从预训练的CNN中提取的前两个卷积层对输入图像的每个面片进行特征提取。 在第二阶段,将对一类SVM进行最终功能训练。 SVM分类器允许针对训练数据集中存在异常值进行快速而强大的异常检测。 在UCSD Ped2数据集上进行了实验测试,由于分辨率低且存在许多遮挡,因此该数据集被认为是复杂的。 我们的结果显示出很高的性能,并与最先进的方法进行了比较。


题目Analysis of anomaly detection techniques in video surveillance

作者Karuna B. Ovhal; Sonal S. Patange; Reshma S. Shinde; Vaishnavi K. Tarange; Vijay A. Kotkar




Abnormal activity detection plays a decisive role in surveillance applications. To capture abnormal body of human without the intervention of system i.e. automatically captures the video can be implemented. Human fall detection, suddenly jumping down which has an important application in the field of safety and security. Proposed system use for detecting road side human activity or behavior by using Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN) method for classifying activities or behavior between training dataset and testing videos. The partitions between classes of normal activities have also been learned using multi-PNNs. Local Binary Pattern (LBP) to track the object by using blob analysis. The proposed system is used to recognize and detecting outcome that are equivalent to or better than previous methods.

异常活动检测在监视应用中起决定性作用。 在没有系统干预的情况下捕获人的异常身体,即,可以实现视频的自动捕获。 人体跌倒检测,突然跳下,在安全保障领域具有重要的应用。 提议的系统用于通过使用概率神经网络(PNN)方法对路边的人类活动或行为进行检测的方法,以对训练数据集和测试视频之间的活动或行为进行分类。 正常活动类别之间的划分也已使用多PNN进行了学习。 本地二进制模式(LBP)通过使用斑点分析来跟踪对象。 所提出的系统用于识别和检测等同于或优于先前方法的结果。


Anomaly detection,Feature extraction,Video surveillance,Cameras,Tracking
